SkyFall e01 - Evolution
Hello, before you read this account you have to keep an open mind. Done that? Good. Now forget everything you know about your world it doesn’t apply here. Things are much easier and weirdly complicated on this side of the mirror. Countries, presidents, constitutions, all that has no meaning here (I wouldn’t know what they were if I hadn’t meant Nhyira). And that thing you call names, we don’t have them here. We have tags. My tag is BR22, and this is the account of the day the skies fell. The day we saw what was above us. It was a day like any other, the skies were the usual red, the winds were wild. Vendors wore protective gear to keep the sand and winds from blinding them. Some young ones could be seen playing around with crashers they had assembled themselves from scrap metal. The vendors complained, the young ones paid no attention. Buildings piled on and beside one another, creating narrow walkways and roads for the rahcs, crashers, and other similar means of transportation in...